CNK will give a report to the communities from Tierradentro of the investment of the year 2010
In order to make a report of the management of CNK during the year 2010 and socialize with the communities the investment budget for the year 2011, The Managing Director of CNK, John Diego Parra tobar, will hold four public hearings, which seek to ensure an extensive participation of the communities.
The Schedule is as follows:
Resettlements of Huila Department
Parish Theatre
La Plata Municipality
March 8, 2011
Páez Communities
Municipal Library of Belalcazar
Páez Municipality
March 9, 2011
Inzá Communities
El Refugio Hostel (San Andrés de Pisimbalá)
Inza Municipality
March 10, 2011
Resettlements of Cauca Department
Popayán Headquarters, Nasa Kiwe Corporation
March 17, 2011
The time for all of the public hearings will be at 10am to facilitate the participation of communities who live in distant places and have to travel to the meeting sites.
People who are interested in the subject can consult the documentation relating to the public hearing, through the website on the management and control/public hearing drop-down.
Concerns or complaints, which must be exclusively related to the management of CNK during the year 2010, can be processed in the formats for submission of offers, which are available on the website and they can be sent by email to: and, or they can directly sent by post to: Calle 1AN No. 2-39 Popayan (Cauca), La Plata Municipality Headquarters and Paez Municipality Headquarters.